What is Ajax and How Does It Work?

What is Ajax and How Does It Work?
Ajax, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is the name given to the abbreviation of XLM in Turkish. It allows requests to servers to be processed in the background, and while not being synchronous, it helps the development of websites. The question of what Ajax is and how it works can be briefly explained in this way. From the continuation of the content, you can access all the detailed questions and answers about Ajax, and you can prevent any questions in your mind.
At its most basic expression, Ajax can be called a coding language recognized by JavaScript. In addition to all these features, with Ajax, the dynamic contents of websites are managed, and a dynamic structure is established to ensure user interaction. As its name suggests, Xtensible Markup Language, frequently used and known by everyone, is similar to the well-known HTML and XML. This situation can be briefly explained as follows; HTML is designed to display data, while XML encapsulates the data.
Whether it's JavaScript, Ajax, or XML, all of them work asynchronously. Therefore, on every website where Ajax is used, data can be sent and received without refreshing the page.
Suggestions to Make Ajax Use More Practical
In the early years of Google's introduction, offering new suggestions to its users required a page refresh for each suggestion. Keywords provided by Google while researching a topic can be examples of these suggestions. Ajax, however, eliminates the need to refresh the page with each suggestion and ensures a better user experience.
Ajax has been used since the 90s. However, Google first began using Ajax in 2004 on Google Maps and later expanded its application further. Today, it is widely used on websites both to achieve better results and to ensure the user experience ranks at the top. Practicalities arising from the use of Ajax are as follows:
- Used in rating and voting systems: Have you ever shopped online or registered for a game? If your answer is yes, this is exactly where Ajax can be said to have helped you. Ajax allows for the voting and rating of services provided over the internet. The continuation of the page after you have voted without closing is thanks to Ajax.
- Used in chat rooms: It can be said that Ajax is also used in the operation of chat rooms and online call centers. Ajax ensures the continuation of the chat without a page refresh, maintaining the flow, and continuing the conversation on the same screen. Thus, the conversation continues without the page refreshing when you receive or send a message.
- Used in chat rooms: It can be said that Ajax is also used in the operation of chat rooms and online call centers. Ajax ensures the continuation of the chat without a page refresh, maintaining the flow, and continuing the conversation on the same screen. Thus, the conversation continues without the page refreshing when you receive or send a message.
How Does Ajax Work?
Another frequently asked question about Ajax is how it works. Ajax is not just an advanced technology or programming language. It's crucial to remember that Ajax is a web development technique that contains several systems. The systems it includes can be listed as:
- It includes CSS for presentation.
- For primary language support, it contains HTML and XHTML.
- For providing image data dynamically and being interactive, it contains the Document Object Model, also known as DOM.
- For data exchange, it includes XML, and for manipulation, it has XSLT.
- To provide asynchronous communication, it contains XMLHttpRequest objects.
In the end, it utilizes JavaScript to bring all these technologies together. In collaboration, it produces a high-quality result. The answer to how Ajax is used is somewhat in this manner because Ajax has many interconnected features and directions.
What are the Differences Between the Classical Model and the Ajax Model?
There are significant differences between the Classical and Ajax models.
- Firstly, when the Classical Model is examined, it's seen that this model sends an HTTP request from the internet browser to the server. The Ajax model, however, creates a specific JavaScript call for the browser and then supports it by activating XMLHttoRequest.
- The Classical Model receives the request from the server and can obtain the data after processing. In contrast, Ajax creates an HTTP request in the background. While the Classical Model sends the data it has acquired to the web browser, Ajax does not deal with receiving any data. The server, thanks to the installed system, obtains the data and sends it to the browser.
- In the final phase, in the Classical Model, the browser receives the data and refreshes the page. Ajax, on the other hand, doesn't refresh the page; all processes can be performed without a page refresh.
- The most noticeable difference between the two models is the lower user experience in the Classical Model. This is because users have no choice but to wait until the process is complete. However, when Ajax is implemented, there is no waiting process; servers and other technical parts work in an organized manner. The expected page appears instantly, and there's no need to refresh the page.
Looking at its advantages, it's possible to say that there are many benefits to using Ajax. These are the things you might be curious about and need to know about Ajax. Using Ajax makes accomplishing everything in a shorter time quite easy.
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