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According to ChatGPT - The Best AI Tools

According to ChatGPT - The Best AI Tools

ChatGPT helped us out a bit and we've compiled a list of super AI tools for you to read while sipping your coffee 🚀
4 Minutes

ChatGPT - The Best AI Tools

Artificial Intelligence has made a swift entry into our lives, continuing to be perhaps the most discussed topic in 2023.

The wide range of applications for AI makes its integration into our daily lives somewhat inevitable for everyone. However, it now seems quite easy to create a comfort zone in both professional and daily life by taking assistance from AI.

In this article, we've listed AI tools that you can utilize either for your career or social life. We didn't forget to get some AI help while creating the content :)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools:

If your work primarily involves text, you should definitely try out these tools. These tools serve as excellent assistants for text analysis and classification, and they deliver great results in text production as well.

  • SpaCy: An NLP library for text analysis, language detection, and learning.
  • NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): Library supporting NLP tasks like text mining, text classification.
  • GPT-3: A large language model for text generation, answering questions, and text-based tasks.

Image Processing and Recognition Tools:

If your job or life is more visually-oriented, image processing tools are becoming increasingly prevalent. Below are a few tools for motion object detection, face recognition simulations, and speed detection. 

  • TensorFlow ve Keras: Libraries used for visual tasks like image classification, object detection.
  • OpenCV: An open-source library used for image processing, object detection, and face recognition.
  • YOLO (You Only Look Once): A deep learning model used for fast object detection. 

Automated Data Analysis Tools:

AI will likely be most beneficial for the software industry. Especially in data tools, AI performs beautifully, offering machine learning to yield great results in data systems.

  • Pandas: Python library used for data manipulation and analysis.
  • scikit-learn: A library containing machine learning algorithms, assisting in tasks like classification, regression.

Audio Processing Tools:

For the digital marketing, agency, and advertising sector, impeccable performance can be achieved with audio processing tools. AI products capable of analyzing and processing sound can also convert audio to text.

  • Librosa: A library used for audio analysis and processing, useful for feature extraction and audio classification.
  • Google Speech-to-Text: Tool used for converting audio files to text.

Recommendation System Tools:

AI tools that offer insights for your sales strategies are especially helpful for the e-commerce sector. Products that analyze product recommendations and the behavior of industry users offer really good opportunities in creating strategies.

  • Amazon Personalize: A service used for providing personalized product suggestions.
  • Collaborative Filtering: An approach to recommendation systems that analyzes user behavior to make suggestions.

Robotics and Automation Tools:

There are many AI products to facilitate work processes. These products enable control of robotic devices and the automation of work processes.

İş süreçlerini kolaylaştırmak adına da birçok yapay zeka ürünleri bulunuyor. Bu ürünler sayesinde robotik araçların kontrol işletimi ve iş süreçlerinin otomatize edilmesi sağlanıyor.

  • ROS (Robot Operating System): An open-source platform used for robot control and communication.
  • RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Tools: Tools used to automate repetitive work processes.

Instagram Video AI Tools:

Let’s give some more social examples. While socializing through Instagram, which provides the most functionality among social platforms (video, image, edit), you can also use productive AI products. We've listed some of the most preferred and user-friendly tools for you:

  • InShot: A video editing app that makes processes like adding effects and music easier with AI support.
  • Magisto: An automatic video montage and editing app that uses AI algorithms to speed up the video editing process.

For Increasing Photo Resolution:

Since photography is accessible to everyone through mobile devices, we also want to recommend some AI tools for you. Especially these two very effective tools in terms of resolution put you one step ahead on social platforms.

  • Let's Enhance: Uses AI algorithms to improve the quality of low-resolution photos.
  • Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI: Uses deep learning algorithms to increase photo resolution.

Remember, each product's features and performance can differ. Therefore, it would be beneficial to review and examine the product you choose before using it.

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