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What is Crud?

What is Crud?

Are you wondering what CRUD is? Create, Read, Update, Delete; the four big letters of the software world! Come on, dive in and join the magical journey of the technology world.

What is Crud?

The concept of Crud, which most people who are interested in programming encounter, causes the question of what Crud is to arise in people's minds. It is briefly defined as the combined name of 4 record operations performed on the database. Crud's expansion is presented to those interested in this field as "Create, Read, Update, Delete".

The Crud concept, which began to be used many years ago, names the basic functions used in the collection and storage of data. Crud, known and used by many people working with databases, contributes to the preparation of applications developed by the developer as flawlessly or completely as possible. The data added to the database are processed directly. These processed data remain passive. In short, if the expression "Crud" appears in a programming application, it is understood that there is a data processing situation there.

Many applications on the Internet are called "Crud". Facebook is among the very popular examples of applications launched with the functions of 'Create (Creation), Read (Reading), Update (Updating) and Delete (Deleting)'. Any Facebook user can create, delete or change the information on their profile and read the information on other profiles at the same time. With all these conditions, Facebook becomes the best-known example of Crud. Crud, with many examples like this, includes functions that greatly facilitate people's work. Thus, the question of what Crud is used for can be answered as determining the basic functions or operations to be performed during the data management process.

What are Crud Operations?

Crud's foundation can be referred to as the main database records. This concept is designed as a more advanced model of creating APIs. Currently, most actively developed web applications are prepared based on Crud operations. Therefore, computer programmers' knowledge about Crud is among the very important factors. Some examples that can be given to Crud operations used in various software companies include:

  • Standard Crud Operations: The concept of Standard Crud Operations is seen as a relational database that has rows and columns in a table view. Each row in this table is referred to as a "record." Each column here represents a specific area. People have the chance to perform different actions they want to perform through the Crud operation. Examples can be given to this system such as creating an account on any online shopping platform, deleting an account or product, or updating user information in the profile.
  • Crud Operations Under the Rest Header: Rest is defined as a service structure and ensures practical communication between the server and the client. The expansion, "Representational State Transfer," can be translated into Turkish as 'Temsili Durum Transferi.' This concept can also be seen as a set of norms. Rest, a data transfer method that works over HTTP, has an easier use compared to other programs with similar functions, and it also operates a faster process during data receiving and sending. Crud operations under the Rest header can be explained based on a website. For example, it is possible to say that Crud operations directly match the HTTP method.

What are the Parts of a Crud Application?

It is possible to collect the parts found in the Crud application under 3 main headings mainly:

  • Database: The first part of the parts in the Crud application is called the database. The database is defined as the place where all the data uploaded by the people are stored and kept. Managing a database can only be done by owning this system. Also, how the data stored in the database is stored varies. At this point, two different management system types appear before people, which are divided into two separate parts. These types are defined as SQL, NoSQL, or document.
  • User Interface: The user interface appears to users as another part of the Crud application. The user interface allows interaction with the application and the application's database. This section becomes active through input and output. The term "input" allows users to change the operation within the system. The term "output" is used to mean the formation of the results of the changes made by users in the operation within the system. Having a good user interface is one of the most important features that support the usability of the application.
  • APIs or Backends: The name API or Backend is given to the base software located on the back face of a site. API is defined as a software program that allows interaction with software like the user interface. Also, Backend informs which applications will be made to the databases. These applications can be implemented in different models. However, although they can be implemented in different models, at the most basic level, it covers the four main Crud operations, namely Create, Read, Update, and Read.


So in short, CRUD operations are among the words that never leave a programmer's mouth in the modern world. You can create, read, update, and delete everything - but no, these abilities don't make you a superhero! If you want to be a real 'technology superhero,' your journey is just beginning.

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