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What is CSS Grid?

What is CSS Grid?

If you want to learn CSS Grid, the styling language used to control the appearance and layout of web pages, let us take you here. 👉🏻
8 Minutes

What is CSS Grid?

To answer the question "What is CSS Grid?" it's essential first to explain what CSS is and what it's used for. Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is a styling language used to control the appearance and layout of web pages. It is utilized to style the HTML and XHTML codes in web pages, enhancing their visual presentation. CSS features are used to create different designs on web pages. For example, style properties like font size, color, background color, borders, shadows, and page layout are determined using CSS.

The CSS Grid system is used to make the structure of web pages more organized and visually appealing. Thanks to this feature, web pages can be designed to be adaptable to different screen sizes and devices. CSS Grid provides web designers with greater flexibility in managing the design of the page. Instead of placing elements directly, they are positioned and sized within a grid system. This method allows designers to more easily control how the page will look at different sizes.

What are the advantages of CSS Grid?

The question of "What is CSS Grid good for?" is also a matter of curiosity for users and many people. Some of the advantages provided by CSS Grid can be listed as follows:

  • More organized page structure: With CSS Grid, the content on web pages can be placed in a more organized manner. As a result, web pages gain a more professional and aesthetic appearance.
  • Ease of creating responsive design: CSS Grid facilitates the creation of responsive designs. Websites designed to be suitable for different screen sizes can be displayed seamlessly on any device.
  •  Fast and easy design process: CSS Grid makes the process of arranging web pages fast and easy. Web developers can create the layout of pages more quickly and effectively.
  • Code repetition reduction: CSS Grid reduces the repetition of writing code and allows for writing less code. This makes your web pages load faster and improves performance.
  • Multiple layout options: CSS Grid offers different layout options for web pages. With these options, you can achieve a distinct and unique look on your web pages.
  • Improved user experience: CSS Grid ensures that web pages offer a better user experience. A neat and readable page layout allows users to use web pages more comfortably and enjoyably.

The advantages mentioned above demonstrate that CSS Grid is a very beneficial feature for web developers.

How to Use CSS Grid?

The question "How is CSS Grid used?" is on the minds of users and is one of the topics that need to be addressed. Using CSS Grid is quite easy. To use this feature, you first need to create a grid container. The grid container refers to a section or a div element on the web page. After creating a grid container, elements called grid items are placed inside it. Grid items represent different sections on the web page.

To use CSS Grid, you first need to create a grid container. The following code block can be used to create a grid container:

.container {

  display: grid;


In the code block above, a grid container named .container has been created. After creating the grid container, grid items are added to it. Grid items represent different sections on the web page. To add grid items, the following code block can be used:

.container {

  display: grid;

  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;

  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px;

  gap: 10px;


.item {

  background-color: #ccc;

  padding: 10px;

  text-align: center;


In the code block above, a grid container named .container has been created. Six grid items have been added to the grid container. The layout of the grid items is determined by the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties. These properties allow sections on the web page to be placed in a specific column and row arrangement. The gap property determines the spaces between grid items.

Where is CSS Grid Used?

CSS Grid is a CSS feature used for arranging web pages and can be utilized across various domains. Below, you can find some areas where CSS Grid is applied:

  • Websites: CSS Grid is widely used in organizing websites. It ensures that the content on web pages is placed in a more orderly and readable manner.
  • Blogs: With CSS Grid, blogs can achieve a more structured layout. Content on blog pages can be arranged in columns, making it easier for readers to navigate through the blog page.
  • E-commerce sites: CSS Grid allows for the orderly display of products. Products can be arranged in columns, which helps customers to examine the products more comfortably.
  • Portfolio sites: Using CSS Grid can make projects displayed more impressively. Projects can be arranged in columns, enhancing the browsing experience for visitors on the portfolio page.
  • Content sharing sites: CSS Grid enables the orderly display of content. Content can be arranged in columns, facilitating easier tracking of materials by visitors.
  • Mobile applications: CSS Grid can also be used in the design of mobile applications. Mobile apps can be designed to be compatible with different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless operation on various devices.

The areas mentioned above are just a few examples of where CSS Grid can be applied, demonstrating its versatility across many different fields.

What are CSS Grid Deficiencies?

While CSS Grid is a highly useful tool for arranging web pages, it does have some limitations. Below are some of the shortcomings of CSS Grid explained in points:

  • Browser Compatibility: It may not be fully supported by some older browsers. Therefore, web developers might need to opt for alternative layout methods instead of CSS Grid.
  • Variability of Features: CSS Grid can appear differently when accessed through different browsers. This situation requires web developers to test their pages across various browsers and resolve any compatibility issues.
  • Horizontal Scrolling Issue: CSS Grid can experience some problems with horizontal scrolling. Particularly, when the page width is reduced, columns may overlap each other, or content may become compressed.
  • Responsive Design Issues: When used in responsive designs, CSS Grid can face some challenges. Especially, as page dimensions change, the sizes of columns can also change, potentially disrupting the layout of the content. These problems can be solved by using media queries or alternative layout methods.
  • Management of Complex Designs: CSS Grid can present difficulties in managing complex designs. Especially if there are many columns or pieces of content, managing and arranging the design can become challenging.
  • Content Quantity Problem: CSS Grid can face issues as the number of contents changes. Particularly, managing the spaces between columns and placing the content orderly can be challenging.

In conclusion, despite its shortcomings, CSS Grid is a highly useful tool for arranging web pages. Web developers need to be aware of CSS Grid's limitations and use it correctly.

Is CSS Grid Slow?

CSS Grid is a remarkably fast method for organizing web pages. Browsers can process CSS Grid efficiently, allowing the layout of web pages to be created very quickly. CSS Grid does not negatively impact the page loading time.

However, the speed of CSS Grid can depend on the complexity of the page and the number of contents. Particularly, if there are many columns or items of content, the speed at which CSS Grid creates the layout may slow down slightly. Therefore, it is important for web developers to use CSS Grid correctly to create pages that are fast and optimized.

Another factor that can affect the speed of CSS Grid is the performance of browsers. In older or slower-running browsers, the performance of CSS Grid may be lower. Therefore, web developers need to consider browser compatibility when planning to use CSS Grid.

How to Increase the Speed of CSS Grid?

CSS Grid is a tool used for efficiently and quickly organizing web pages. However, the complexity of the page and the abundance of content can affect the speed of CSS Grid. This leads users to wonder, "What can be done to increase the speed?" Here are some tips for enhancing the speed of CSS Grid:

  • Use fewer columns and content: To improve the performance of CSS Grid, it is recommended to use a smaller number of columns and content on the page. Too many columns and items of content can slow down the speed at which CSS Grid creates the layout.
  • Employ correct coding techniques: To increase the speed of CSS Grid, correct coding techniques should be used, such as removing unnecessary codes, combining, and compressing CSS codes.
  • Consider browser compatibility: To enhance the performance of CSS Grid, browser compatibility should be taken into account. Some browsers may process CSS Grid slowly or may not support it at all. Therefore, browser compatibility should be checked before using CSS Grid.
  • Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network): A CDN can be used to increase the performance of CSS Grid. This allows CSS Grid codes to be delivered quickly by connecting to a network.
  • Use fewer animations: To improve the performance of CSS Grid, it is recommended to use fewer animations on the page. Too many animations can increase the page loading time and slow down the speed of CSS Grid.

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