Would you like to become a Change Ambassador?

Would you like to become a Change Ambassador?

Do you want to be part of the project? Details are on the blog!
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Become a "Change Ambassador" to Empower Women!

The "Development of a Model for Empowering Women in the Manufacturing Industry Project" offers a unique opportunity for women graduates in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. By participating in the project, you can become a change ambassador, contributing to the empowerment of female employment in the sector.

The project aims to further empower women in the manufacturing industry. With a curriculum specially developed for the project, comprehensive digital and sustainability training programs will be conducted over 4-6 months with women graduates from STEM fields designated as “Change Ambassadors”.

Throughout the employment period, change ambassadors will have the opportunity for mentorship support as well as learning from each other and sharing experiences.

Who can apply?

Women who have graduated from or are studying in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields,
Those interested in pursuing a career in the manufacturing industry and looking to enhance their knowledge/skills in the sector,
Those who want to take on a leadership role in the sector as a change ambassador.
If you want to be part of shaping the future of the sector, check out the participation forms below and apply now!

Change Ambassador application form!

Operator application form!

Mentorship application form!

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