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FMSS Bilişim Android Development Bootcamp with Jetpack

FMSS Bilişim Android Development Bootcamp with Jetpack

Join the free Bootcamp, learn, get a job at FMSS!
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FMSS Android Development Bootcamp with Jetpack: Build Your Future in Mobile Software Development

An exciting opportunity for those looking to build a career in mobile software development: the Android Development Bootcamp with Jetpack, organized in partnership with FMSS Bilişim and! This program offers a comprehensive training to prepare young talents for the industry.

What Does the Bootcamp Offer to Participants?

This 5-week hybrid training program covers all essential stages of the Android development process. With both online and in-person sessions, participants get the chance to put their knowledge into practice through project-based work. Guided by an expert instructor, participants gain the skills and knowledge to master Jetpack technologies and make a difference in the mobile software world. Successful graduates have the opportunity to prove themselves with the projects they've developed and secure a full-time position at FMSS Bilişim!

Who Should Join?

The FMSS Android Development Bootcamp is designed for recent graduates or young developers who are close to graduation. If you’re passionate about mobile software development, eager to learn the latest technologies, and ready to take a solid step in your career, this bootcamp is perfect for you!


If you’re ready to kick-start your career in mobile software development, click here to learn more and apply for free!

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