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How to Start Learning Software?

How to Start Learning Software?

What is software? How to learn software? As, we answer your questions in the technology world with the Code Diary of Technology Talent.
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How to Start Learning Software Development?

When you first look at a screen full of computer code, you might feel like you're reading a completely new language with a very different alphabet. Words like “print” and “input” might seem familiar, but they are surrounded by new symbols and numbers. Many programmers feel lost when they first examine coding languages like Python, C++, and others. However, programmers quickly learn how this "language" transforms into an elegant website, an exciting video game, or a valuable mobile app. Do you know what steps to take before starting your journey to learn coding and software development?

How to Learn Software Development?

Although it may seem very complex, software development can be easily learned through consistent effort and discipline. Everyone has different reasons for wanting to learn software development. Some see it as a hobby, while others have brilliant ideas for creating apps but lack coding experience. Additionally, professionals working in industries that value coding skills may want to acquire these abilities to advance their careers. You can start your journey by following the steps below:

1) Join Online Courses

One of the best ways to learn coding is through online courses. These courses provide excellent content in various languages and technologies created by experts. They are suitable for both absolute beginners and those looking to enhance their knowledge of programming. Some courses even offer performance-based certifications, which can be advantageous when applying for jobs. is one of the platforms where you can improve yourself through bootcamp events.

2) Follow YouTube Channels

YouTube is a platform where people can find videos on coding and programming. Due to the specialized content and methodologies used to explain concepts, YouTube videos about coding and programming are extremely popular among those looking to learn software development.

3) Participate in Real-Time Projects

Working on real-time projects is one of the best ways to learn coding. These projects give you the chance to collaborate with a team and gain practical knowledge. They not only help improve your coding and programming skills but also allow for a deeper understanding of the subject.

4) Explore Coding Challenge Events

These events provide opportunities to work on various technologies and programming languages, which can be helpful when starting to learn coding. Coding challenges are available online and offline and feature tasks that you can practice and improve upon.

5) Use Tools to Simplify Coding

While you don’t necessarily need special tools to write code, many tools can assist you during the learning phase and help you improve more quickly. Some of the most popular tools include:

  • Code Editors: Text editors include features like syntax highlighting, auto-completion, find and replace, and dark mode, which make coding easier. These tools are widely used by both beginners and professionals. Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Emacs are excellent options for beginners. Additionally, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a favorite among both beginners and professionals.
  • Console: As you start coding, you may want to better understand your computer. The console, also known as the terminal, is a text-based interface of the operating system. It allows you to locate files and execute commands faster than a standard graphical user interface.
  • Stack Overflow: A community widely known for its Q&A-based websites. It covers a broad range of topics in computer programming. Using this platform helps you understand how programs work and aids in your development.
  • Project Management Tools: Many projects start simple but become more complex over time. By using a project management tool, you can share files, update schedules, and break coding projects into smaller sections. These tools allow you to stick to timelines, manage additional tasks, and track extra files.

6) Examine Pages Coded by Others

Looking at other developers' code can inspire you and help improve your own coding skills. GitHub, in particular, is a widely used platform for sharing code and is one of the largest communities for developers. GitHub provides resources in various languages and allows you to collaborate on projects with a team.

Which Programming Language Should You Start With?

To start learning software development, you need to learn at least one programming language—a set of syntax and rules a computer can understand. However, some languages are easier to learn than others. For beginners, high-level languages are the best option since low-level languages like Assembly and Machine Code, though easily understood by machines, are difficult for humans to interpret. High-level languages are easier for beginners to grasp.

Below are some of the best programming languages for beginners. Don’t worry about choosing the wrong one because these languages share fundamental concepts, making it easy to switch from one to another later.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the backbone of the internet. It structures the content of web pages, so whenever you load a page, your browser renders an HTML document. HTML is the easiest language to learn because it is technically not a programming language—it doesn’t run scripts or create functional programs. However, since it is used everywhere online, understanding HTML is crucial for anyone starting with web development.


HTML determines what content appears on a webpage but does not control its appearance. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) handle the styling of HTML, organizing layout, colors, fonts, and sizes. CSS is also not a programming language. However, since it is almost always used with HTML, learning both together is essential.


JavaScript is the programming language that transforms static web pages into dynamic ones. It allows page elements to move, respond to user actions like clicks, and perform many other functions beyond merely existing on the page. If you’re interested in web development, and you’ve already learned HTML and CSS, JavaScript should be your next step. These three languages together form the foundation of most web content. JavaScript code is also easy to test directly in a browser.


Python is popular among beginners due to its user-friendly syntax and versatility. Most Python code reads almost like English, making it easier for newcomers to grasp fundamental concepts like functions. Python also has numerous libraries, allowing you to implement functionality without writing it yourself.


C is another popular language for beginners. It is more complex than Python and usually requires beginners to write more code to achieve the same result. C++ builds on C, making it easier to program complex applications.


Java, which should not be confused with JavaScript, is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It is easy for humans to read and understand. Often, complex tasks can be executed with a single command. Java is widely used for Android mobile app development.


SQL is a language you can use to update, store, and retrieve data from a database. It differs from other programming languages as it is technically a query language. While you can’t build web pages with SQL, learning it allows you to manage databases effectively.

Benefits of Learning Software Development

One of the most significant benefits of learning software development is the vast array of job opportunities, including international projects. Additionally, software developers can work freelance, joining different projects and continuously improving their skills.

Benefits include:

  • Flexibility to work as an independent contractor or within a large company, allowing you to align your career with your lifestyle.
  • Every industry requires its own type of software, and the demand for professionals who can create software tailored to specific needs will grow as the world becomes more digital.
  • High demand for software developers often translates to competitive salaries.
  • Learning software ensures you’ll always have opportunities to grow, with new tools and technological advancements providing continuous learning opportunities.
  • If you enjoy solving challenging problems, software development is a great fit. You’ll constantly analyze how to make your code more efficient or how software can perform specific actions.

What Is the Purpose of Learning Software Development?

Learning software development allows you to communicate with computers and make them perform specific tasks by understanding and writing programming languages. As the world becomes increasingly digital, the importance of software development is evident in everything from computers and smartphones to laptops and fitness trackers.

By learning software development, you can analyze customer needs, design software to meet those needs, and then develop and test it. You can specialize in mobile app development, UX/UI design, web development, gaming, or database management. Software skills also open doors to careers in data engineering, machine learning engineering, and data analysis.

You can explore platforms like to find job postings, participate in technology and software training, and start improving your skills in this field. Bootcamp and other online courses on the platform can be a great starting point for your journey.

FAQ: Bootcamps, Hackathons, and Challenges

What are the participation requirements for bootcamps?

Bootcamp participation requirements vary depending on the type of event. Bootcamp training covers various specialties, from software technologies to product management. To learn more about a course, click the "Apply" button. If the event details are suitable for you, log in to Techcareer using your GitHub or Google account and register for the event.

Are bootcamp trainings free?

Bootcamp trainings are entirely free and aim to prepare talented individuals for careers in the IT sector.

What are the participation requirements for hackathons?

Participation requirements for hackathons vary depending on the event. Like bootcamps, hackathons cover different topics. You can review the requirements and open events here and apply to suitable ones.

How long does a Hiring Challenge last?

The duration of a Hiring Challenge depends on the event type and the tasks, such as iOS, Android, or algorithm problems. Since speed brings extra points in Hiring Challenges, the faster you are, the better you will perform in the competition.

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