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Artificial Intelligence 101 Bootcamp

Are you ready to join the Bootcamp Festival exclusively for university communities?

Apply now and take your first step into the comprehensive world of Artificial Intelligence!

Artificial Intelligence 101 Bootcamp

Bootcamp About

Part of the Bootcamp Fest'5, the Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp organized by offers comprehensive answers to the question 'What is Artificial Intelligence?' while providing participants with the opportunity to gain both practical and theoretical knowledge in this field. Ideal for anyone interested in AI engineering, this bootcamp will teach you methods used in real-world projects with AI applications. Starting with the fundamental principles of AI, you will receive comprehensive training covering advanced topics such as deep learning, machine learning, and data science.

Why Should You Join This Bootcamp?

The knowledge and skills you gain in the field of artificial intelligence will open up valuable opportunities that will help you stand out in the tech world. Through this bootcamp, you can build a career in high-demand fields such as AI engineering, data science, and machine learning. Additionally, you can specialize in various industries like business intelligence and decision support systems using AI applications, or even start your own venture and develop AI-based solutions. The AI training certification you earn will add value to your CV and make you stand out in job applications.

Who Should Join?

  • All university students
  • Those interested in pursuing a career in AI engineering
  • Individuals passionate about data science and machine learning
  • Those eager to learn about the technology of the future, Artificial Intelligence
  • Those who want to develop their projects using AI applications

Event Details

Training Date and Duration

Start Date: Saturday, February 01
Training Duration: 5 weeks
Total Hours: 50 hours (10 hours per week, 5 weeks in total)

Training Format

Online Training: The training will be conducted through online platforms. Participants will join the sessions via internet connection and follow the training process with live sessions, video lectures, and interactive applications.

Course Content

  • Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Learn what artificial intelligence is, its core concepts, and its areas of application.
  • Introduction to Machine Learning: Discover how to build models with data and explore basic machine learning algorithms.
  • Generative AI, TensorFlow & Python Programming: Learn and apply the most popular languages for AI and machine learning.
  • Real-World Projects: Apply the theoretical knowledge you have gained by working on real-world AI projects.
  • Theoretical and Practical Applications: Strengthen your foundation with theoretical lessons and consolidate your learning through practical applications.

What Awaits You?

What is Artificial Intelligence?: The fundamentals of AI, algorithms, and working principles!
Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Advanced learning methods and applications!
AI Applications: Image processing, natural language processing, and many more real-world applications!
Practical Projects: The opportunity to develop your own AI projects!
Certificate: Earn an AI certification that will add value to your career!

Frequently Asked Questions

Artificial intelligence refers to algorithms and software systems that enable machines to possess human-like intelligence. These systems analyze data and perform tasks such as learning and decision-making.

Yes, participation in the AI bootcamp is completely free.

Yes, participants will receive an AI training certificate at the end of the event.

The bootcamp will take place online.





01.02.2025 - 01.02.2025




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