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Angular is an open-source web development framework developed by Google based on TypeScript.

What is Angular?

Angular is a web development platform built with TypeScript. Angular, with its component-based architecture, is designed to create scalable web applications. It is specialized in developing single-page client applications using TypeScript and HTML. It includes tools such as routing and client-server communication needed during the development process.

What are the Advantages of Angular?

Angular provides various advantages to developers with its features. Some of the advantages of Angular include:

Component Structure

With Angular's component-based architecture, developers can create their own custom components. Breaking down complex applications into parts during the development process facilitates both development and maintenance processes and also makes scaling straightforward.

Cross-Platform Development

Angular is platform-independent. Applications developed with Angular can run on any browser, server, or mobile device. Using frameworks like Ionic and Electron with Angular enables the development of mobile and desktop applications.

Two-Way Data Binding

Angular enables seamless bidirectional data transfer between the view and the model. Thus, any change in the view or the model is reflected simultaneously in the other. It helps developers manage user inputs easily.

Community Support

It is open source. Supported by Google and with a wide ecosystem that includes millions of Angular developers, it has access to a vast amount of supporting materials such as educational content and sample applications.

Preferred by Companies

With its strong features and reliable structure, Angular is actively used by many companies, including tech giants. This situation creates more job opportunities for Angular developers.

Development of Angular

AngularJS, used internally by Google since 2009 and released as open source in 2012 with version 1.0 by Google employee Miško Hevery, was initially used in internal projects.

In 2014, Google decided to rewrite AngularJS, stating that Angular 2.0 would not be a continuation of the previous version. In 2016, Angular 2.0 was officially released. Initially referred to as Angular 2, this new framework caused confusion among developers. Therefore, it was decided to use the name Angular completely separate from AngularJS.

What is the Difference Between Angular and AngularJS?

When you search the internet for Angular, you will come across different results for both Angular and AngularJS. The source of this duality is that AngularJS is somewhat a precursor to Angular.

AngularJS is a front-end framework built on JavaScript. Angular, on the other hand, is a TypeScript framework prepared by Google for developing web applications. As of 2022, official support for AngularJS has been discontinued, and developers are advised to use Angular. Angular, with its component architecture, is more capable than AngularJS in many respects and has higher performance.

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