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Backend, refers to the server-side processes of web and mobile applications that are not visible to the user but occur in the background.

What is Backend?

Backend, also known as the server-side, is the background part of web and mobile applications, defined as server-side processes. It encompasses making the front-end, defined as the client-side, functional, processing and managing data.

When you log in to a website, the interface you encounter is called the frontend. Various tasks are performed in the background when a button is clicked or a form is submitted on a website. For example, the data entered through a form can be sent to a database for storage. This process falls within the scope of the backend. Or when a user login is attempted on a website, the entered information is matched with the data in the database to authenticate the user in the background.

Backend development, which is part of the web development process, focuses on developing the logic that runs in the background, unlike the frontend that interacts with the user. Backend development works on developing the architecture of the website, APIs, and infrastructure that enable database operations. Backend is not only about database operations. Tasks such as security, deployment, and performance monitoring of the developed application are also associated with the backend.

What Does Backend Deal With?

Backend development focuses on programming languages that enable server-side development, testing processes, application logic, software architectures, database management, cybersecurity, authentication and authorization, designing backup processes, and scalability.

Technologies Used for Backend Development

Various technologies such as programming languages, frameworks, database systems, and web servers are used in the backend development process. Developers working on backend development need to be familiar with the usage of these technologies.

Programming Languages and Frameworks

Programming languages and specialized frameworks for server-side application development are used for backend development. These include:

  • PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, commonly known as PHP, is one of the oldest programming languages created for developing server-side applications. It is still widely used.
  • Python: Python, known for its simplicity and speed, is used for various purposes and is also commonly preferred for backend development.
  • Node.js: An open-source runtime environment, Node.js enables server-side development with JavaScript.
  • Laravel: Laravel, an open-source PHP framework, simplifies server-side application development by implementing the MVC architecture and is one of the most popular PHP frameworks.

Database Technologies

Databases are used for storing data. Different database solutions are available for backend use. These include:

  • MySQL: One of the most popular database solutions, MySQL, is free and open-source. It is used to create relational databases.
  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is an open-source relational database management system that supports SQL.
  • Microsoft SQL Server: MSSQL is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It is widely used for storing large and complex data.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database application. It stores data in a JSON-like format and can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.

Web Servers

Backend applications need to be hosted on a specific server. There are various web servers to choose from. These include:

  • Nginx: Nginx stands out for its low resource consumption and high performance, making it one of the most popular web servers.
  • Apache: Apache HTTP Server, an open-source web server, is an option that can run on almost every operating system.
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