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Base64 is a text encoding method that converts any data into a different expression. It allows data in binary number systems to be transmitted and stored in systems using ASCII characters. Each ASCII character has a counterpart in the base64 algorithm. The character, converted into a 6-bit expression, has a counterpart in the base64 table from 0 to 63. Let's delve into the details of base64 encoding.

What is Base64?

Base64 is an encoding language that converts data transmitted and stored via email attachments, internet address information, or XML into meaningless texts. Communication is based on the principle of error-free and complete data transmission. When a communication link is established between two points, a data channel is formed. The base64 encoding method was developed to quickly and easily transfer the headers of documents such as audio, video, and images.

What is Base64 Used For?

Communication systems are commonly developed to be compatible with ASCII characters. Therefore, the absence of ASCII characters in transmitted data can lead to data loss during transmission. Thanks to base64, it is possible to convert any kind of data into ASCII characters.

Another situation is the incompatibility between systems. It allows data sent from a 7-bit system developed in earlier times to be understood by a new 8-bit system. This way, all systems communicate within a common standard.

Finally, some characters are not perceived the same from system to system. A character that has no meaning in one system might have a special meaning in another system. This can cause the transmitted data to be incorrectly conveyed. Base64 translates the data into a language that all systems understand.

How Does Base64 Work?

Base64 works on an algorithm that converts any text into characters in the ASCII table. It first converts the data to be transmitted into binary form as 8-bit expressions. Then, the combined 8-bit expressions are converted into 6-bit expressions. The 6-bit expressions are converted to decimal form, and their counterparts in the ASCII table are written. The base64 working mechanism can be shown step by step as follows:

  • Data is split into characters.
  • Each character's binary code equivalent is written.
  • The 8-bit expressions are combined sequentially. The total must be a multiple of 6. If it is not a multiple of 6, 8-bit 0, i.e., "00000000", is added until it is a multiple of 6.
  • The combined bits are divided into 6 equal parts.
  • The 6-bit expressions are converted to decimal form.
  • The ASCII table counterpart for each resulting value is written.

Base64 encoding uses 64 characters from the ASCII table for representation. You can see these characters below:


Let's examine the base64 working method through the word "Techcareer":

1. Step:
T e c h c a r e e r

2. Step:
01010100 01100101 01100011 01101000 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100101 01100101 01110010

3. Step:
010101000110010101100011011010000110001101100001011100100110010101100101011100100000000000000000 (There were originally 80 characters; 8-bit "0" values were added until it became a multiple of 6. When the total became 96 characters, the addition stopped.)

4. Step:
010101 000110 010101 100011 011010 000110 001101 100001 011100 100110 010101 100101 011100 100000 000000 000000

5. Step:
21 6 21 35 26 6 13 33 28 38 21 37 28 32 = =

6. Step:

The result of encoding the word "Techcareer" with base64 is "VGVjaGNhcmVlcg==". The two "=" signs at the end correspond to the 8-bit long zero value added at the end. In base64 encoding, the "000000" bit values at the end represent the padding character as "=".

The base64 algorithm is applied quickly and easily during data transmission and storage in all communication systems, as shown in its steps. This minimizes data losses and errors. Primarily used for text transmission, base64 increases data size by one-third. Nevertheless, due to its ease of use and standardization, it maintains its popularity.

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