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A network is a method by which components communicate with each other for a common purpose. It is used in various fields, from marketing to information systems.

What is a Network?

A network consists of systems that can send and receive data through connections within an environment. In Turkish, it is referred to as a "computer network." Networks facilitate many tasks such as internet browsing, phone calls, text messaging, and video streaming. The largest computer network is the internet. Additionally, companies establish private network infrastructures to access shared devices like printers, scanners, and servers. Networks without external access are called "Intranets."

The first computer network was established in the United States in 1968 under the name ARPANET. In the 1970s, Xerox developed the Ethernet device, which enabled network connections. With the acceptance of Ethernet cards, the development of network technology accelerated. By the 1980s, personal computers and office networks became commonplace. Today, wired and wireless network technologies provide end-to-end connectivity. Generally, wired network technologies offer a faster, more stable, and secure infrastructure compared to wireless technologies. Wireless technologies, however, offer advantages such as flexibility, mobile compatibility, and scalability.

Types of Networks

Networks are categorized based on the environment and topology. Let's first examine the types of networks based on the environment. Networks are named according to the scope, location, or storage they encompass:

  • LAN: Local Area Network, created in private areas such as offices or homes.
  • WAN: Wide Area Network, formed by the merging of multiple LANs across vast geographical areas.
  • MAN: Metropolitan Area Network, formed by the merging of many WANs in metropolitan areas. It typically allows devices spread over wide areas, like banks, to communicate.
  • CAN: Campus Area Network, a special type of MAN developed for campuses. In Turkey, an example is the ULAKBİM network, enabling universities to connect and access external networks for free and with authorization.
  • WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network, enabling wireless connections.
  • Cloud: Cloud network, offering services such as storage, applications, and virtual servers accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • SAN: Storage Area Network, a physical network focused on storage.

The arrangement of devices in a network is called topology. Different network topologies emerge based on the structure of nodes within the network. Let’s explore network types based on topology:

  • Star Network: All devices are connected to a central device.
  • Ring Network: Each device has only two connections, with the last device connecting back to the first to complete the network.
  • Mesh Network: Each node connects to all other nodes.
  • Point-to-Point Network: Two nodes are connected by a special protocol. Devices using radio frequency with antenna connections typically use this network.
  • Bus Network: Each device has a predetermined target address for connections.
  • Tree Network: Multiple star networks connect to form a tree structure.

Network Components

A network comprises physical, software, and management layers. The physical layer includes devices like firewalls, routers, switches, and cables. The software layer consists of operating systems and services that enable communication between devices. The management layer includes applications used to monitor, manage, and configure the network.

Networks enable communication between devices in different locations. They provide secure communication for data transfer over long distances in corporate settings. With its manageable structure, networks offer solutions to various individual and corporate challenges.

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Neural Network
What is a Neural Network? How does a Neural Network work? You can find all the details about the term Neural Network on the Technical Dictionary page.

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