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QR codes, standing for 'Quick Response,' are a type of barcode that allows for storing and sharing data either statically or dynamically.

What is QR?

Although QR codes have become popular in recent years, they have actually been around for a long time. Developed in 1994 by the Japanese company Denso Wave, QR codes were initially created to track inventory in manufacturing processes. Compared to standard barcodes, QR codes can store much more information. Denso also made the QR technology publicly available, allowing anyone to use it freely.

QR codes can store and share various types of data such as website addresses, Wi-Fi passwords, phone numbers, long text content, location, payment, and identification details.

Types of QR Codes

QR codes are divided into two types: dynamic and static. 

  • Dynamic QR codes store the information of a URL. The content of the page accessed via this URL can always be changed. Therefore, the data held by dynamic QR codes can be edited, and metrics like the number of views can be tracked.
  • Static QR codes store information directly within their pattern. Once created, it is not possible to alter a static QR code. They are ideal for sharing information that does not change frequently, such as user identity and Wi-Fi passwords.

How Does QR Work?

The widespread use of QR codes is due to their ease of creation and simplicity for users to scan.

How to Create a QR Code?

To create a QR code, you need a tool developed for this purpose. A quick search in search engines will bring you to QR code creation tools. You can also use popular apps like Canva's built-in QR code generator or Adobe's free QR code creation tool.

How to Scan a QR Code?

Most modern smartphones and tablets come with built-in QR code scanning capabilities. Although it varies depending on the brand and operating system of the device, many manufacturers include QR code scanning in the phone's camera app. When you capture a QR code with the camera app, it will provide you with information about the content. If this feature is not available on your phone, you can use any QR code scanning app from the app stores or opt for Google Lens.

Where Are QR Codes Used?

QR codes are widely used in everyday life to simplify various data sharing processes. They are frequently used by various applications for identity verification, sharing payment and personal information, passwords, and in marketing efforts. Some of the most common uses of QR codes include:

  • In cafes and restaurants, they can be used to allow customers to access digital menus.
  • QR codes can share wireless connection information with others.
  • QR codes on products can provide users with information about the product content.
  • They can be utilized for stock and shipping tracking.
  • They can be used to share personal information like phone numbers and social media account details.
  • They can share location information.
  • QR codes can be used to transmit payment information like IBAN.
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