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RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

RPA, standing for Robotic Process Automation, refers to the use of software bots for automating repetitive tasks.

What is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation is software that mimics tasks routinely performed by employees, thereby automating these tasks. RPA software can work compatibly with different programs. Just like a human, it knows where to click on the screen, can move data from one place to another, and fill out forms. It can mimic all processes performed by humans on computer systems. The only requirement is that it be taught how to perform these tasks. While RPA bots work in various ways, fundamentally, they are provided step-by-step instructions on what to do. Then, the bots repeat these tasks faster and with higher accuracy. The human's role is to monitor the processes performed by the bots.

Advantages of Using RPA

Robotic Process Automation contributes to the error-free and quick execution of many routine business processes. It offers various benefits such as reducing costs and preventing human errors. The prominent advantages of using RPA are:

Prevents Human Errors

With Robotic Process Automation, human errors in processes can be prevented. Humans are particularly prone to errors in long and repetitive tasks. Fatigue-induced lack of concentration can lead to erroneous actions. Moreover, data breaches often stem from human error, especially when dealing with personal, confidential, and sensitive data. RPA prevents all these issues.

Saves on Labor, Cost, and Time

One of the biggest advantages of RPAs is the savings on labor, time, and costs. For example, tasks that would take an employee a whole day for data entry can be completed in minutes. This not only saves labor allocated for the task but also time, thus reducing costs. RPA enhances productivity and efficiency.

Operates Continuously and Is Scalable

Robotic Process Automation software, or bots, can operate continuously 24/7 if properly developed and configured. Furthermore, during periods of increased workload, the operation can be scaled by activating more bots.

Applications of RPA

Robotic process operation automates repetitive and stage-specific routine processes through software. Used in various fields, RPA saves on labor while eliminating human errors. It is beneficial in sectors like banking and finance, customer services, retail and e-commerce management, social media marketing, production processes, human resources, and healthcare.

For instance, in human resources, RPA can perform time-consuming paperwork required for every employee. In manufacturing, retail, and e-commerce, it can be used in supply chain management and inventory tracking.

RPA and Artificial Intelligence

Today's artificial intelligence applications are highly capable and are often confused with RPAs. However, there are differences between them.

RPAs are software that repeat the same steps for certain processes. They are programmed in advance to follow specific steps. RPA mimics the actions performed by humans to complete designated tasks. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is developed to simulate human intelligence. It can make logical evaluations for the tasks to be performed and can generate different solutions for encountered problems.

For example, RPA can be used to retrieve data from a database and fill forms in a different format. However, if any field in the form is changed, RPA may not continue to function correctly. Artificial intelligence, however, would notice the changes in the form and use its data to generate a logical response.

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