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Technology involves the development and production of various materials, tools, and devices using existing knowledge to provide benefits.

What is Technology?

Technology refers to the development and production of any kind of equipment, tools, and materials that aim to make human life easier, utilizing knowledge derived from scientific studies. Although today we often think of technology as smartphones, electric vehicles, and space vehicles, nearly everything that has been used in daily life for centuries is a product of technology.

The term 'technology' has its roots in the Greek words 'tekhne,' meaning art or craft, and 'logos,' meaning speech or expression. It began to be used in English in the 17th century to refer to discussions about applied arts. In 19th-century Europe, 'technik' in German and 'technique' in French were used to refer to a method of doing something. In both languages, 'technologie' was used to describe the academic discipline of methods for arts and crafts. In the 20th century, with the Second Industrial Revolution, 'technology' came to mean the systematic use of knowledge for practical purposes. The Turkish Language Association defines technology, which entered the Turkish language from French, as "All the tools developed by humans to control and change their physical environment and the knowledge related to these tools."

Science systematically explores the universe through observation and experimentation, while technology uses scientific knowledge to create practical applications for beneficial purposes. Advances in science lead to developments in technology. For example, knowledge of space allowed for the development of satellites and space shuttles. Research into renewable energy led to the ability to harness solar and wind energy. Scientific studies in quantum mechanics yielded one of its first technological applications, quantum computers. The same principle applies to artificial intelligence, which today can carry out specific tasks. In the near future, AI technology will evolve to become as commonplace as smartphones.

The Historical Development of Technology

The history of technology stretches back to prehistoric times. Stone axes and wooden sticks created approximately 2 million years ago are considered the earliest technological products. The invention of the wheel, sailing ships, and water distribution systems mark later technological developments.

The 18th century marked the beginning of modern technology. Steam-powered machines invented during this time laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution. These technological advances were followed by the discovery of electricity and the invention of electric-powered devices.

The 20th century and beyond witnessed the use of nuclear energy due to studies in atomic theory, the invention of computers, and the beginning of space exploration. Today, technological advancements such as nanotechnology allow for production at the nanoscale.

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