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Utility refers to the high benefit derived from a product or service. It implies gaining more value from a product than what was paid for it. While the term is commonly used in economics, this article will discuss its meaning in the field of information technology. Let's explore the details together.

What is Utility?

In the field of information technology, the term ""utility"" is expressed as ""utility programs."" Utility programs are tools used by IT professionals and personal computer users to solve problems. Some of these utilities are embedded in operating systems, while others need to be installed externally. For example, utilities can perform functions such as viewing the current CPU speed, detecting unnecessary files on a disk, or identifying wireless internet networks.

Utility programs for personal computers are used as needed. They do not need to run continuously like an operating system. In some cases, they are used for system management and monitoring. Management and monitoring utilities are typically used by IT departments. Additionally, utilities may be needed for specific tasks such as generating reports from a database or bulk entering thousands of rows into a data table. Software teams often develop custom programs for such corporate needs, enhancing productivity and saving time.

Essential utility programs are generally embedded and ready for use within systems. These programs are typically stable, perform well, and do not cause performance issues. Third-party companies also develop ready-to-use utility programs compatible with operating systems. Although these programs are released after passing through testing environments, compatibility issues can arise depending on the user. They may also pose security risks, so it is wise to choose programs with support and update capabilities.

Common Utility Programs

Some common utility programs include:

  • Antivirus Programs: These programs detect and eliminate harmful software on computers. It is preferable to have licensed and regularly updated antivirus software.
  • Clipboard Managers: These programs keep a history of the “Copy” function on your computer, allowing you to access previously copied content. However, they can pose security risks by storing sensitive information like passwords.
  • Remote Access Programs: These programs provide remote access to servers and similar systems. For example, Windows includes a built-in “Remote Desktop Connection” program that allows access to computers with active remote desktop access. Applications like “Putty” enable terminal access.
  • Debugging Programs: These programs are essential for software developers to save time when issues are difficult to identify. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are utility programs that assist with coding, testing, debugging, and compiling.
  • Artificial Intelligence Tools: AI tools can also act as utility programs to solve various problems.

What is Utility Computing?

Another term related to utility in the field of information technology is "utility computing." Utility computing refers to providing maintenance and support services to businesses with IT infrastructures. These services, offered through cloud and physical infrastructures, enable the management and development of IT systems externally. Companies offering such services typically provide expert-level IT personnel sourced externally. They may offer utility computing services on a fixed or hourly basis.

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