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IT İş Analisti

KPMG Türkiye


İstanbul(Avr.) / Türkiye

Tam Zamanlı

İş Yerinde

Deneyim: 2-4 Yıl

Job Description

Genel Nitelikler 

  • Minimum 3 yıl benzer pozisyonda deneyim sahibi.
  • İyi derecede İngilizce bilen
  • Tercihen üniversitelerin ilgili lisans bölümlerinden mezun,
  • Modern yazılım geliştirme süreçlerine aşina ve programlama mantığına yatkın,
  • Proje Yönetimi metodolojilerine hakim (PMI vb.),
  • Yazılım Geliştirme Hayat Döngüsü (SDLC) süreçlerine hakim,
  • Jira, MS Project, PPM vb. Proje Yönetim araçlarını etkin olarak kullanabilen,
  • Azure Devops süreçleri yönetimi hakkında bilgi sahibi,
  • Veri tabanları hakkında bilgi sahibi, tercihen MS SQL veri tabanı kurulum, yönetim, bilgisine sahip,
  • Raporlama ve dokümantasyon konularında özenli,
  • Müşteri odaklı ve problem çözme becerileri yüksek,
  • Gerektiğinde ilgili iş ortakları ile yazılı ve sözlü iletişim kurabilecek,
  • Takım çalışmasına yatkın,
  • Erkek adaylar için askerlik hizmetini muaf/tamamlamış,
  • Analitik düşünme becerilerine sahip,
  • Sözlü ve yazılı iletişim kabiliyeti yüksek.

İş Tanımı

  • Yazılım geliştirme süreçlerinin analiz, süreç ve mockup çizimlerini gerçekleştirmek,
  • Yazılım geliştirme ekibi ile proje koordinasyonun sağlanması,
  • Test caselerin çıkarmak ve dokümante etmek,
  • IT Fonksiyonel test çalışmalarını yapmak ve kullanıcı testlerine destek olmak
  • Kullanıcı kılavuzu ve ürün dokümanlarını hazırlamak,
  • Mevcut uygulamalar için üretim ortamında yaşanan problemlerin çözümü için destek olmak
  • Gerektiği durumlarda global uygulama destek ekipleri ile iletişime geçerek tüm uygulamaların ikinci ve üçüncü seviyede desteklerini sağlamak,
  • Global projelerde yurtdışı ekip ile koordinasyonun sağlanması,
  • İlgili sistemlerin performans ve bakım çalışmalarını gerçekleştirmek,
  • Sistemin ve süreçlerin izlenmesi, ölçülmesi, analiz edilmesi ve raporlanması süreçlerini yürütmek,
  • Süreçlerin, iş ekiplerinin ve bireysel performansların ölçülmesi ile ilgili sistemlerin geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması çalışmalarına destek olmak,
  • İş Ortakları ile iş geliştirme faaliyetlerini yürütmek.


Azure Devops
MS Project

About Company

About KPMG Türkiye

Company Location: İstanbul(Avr.) / Türkiye

The company's core business profile embraces Audit, Tax and Advisory – KPMG facilitates the work of its clients through providing extensive, professional and tailored services. KPMG Turkey has three offices. After establishing a headquarter in İstanbul, KPMG opened its first branch in Turkey’s capital city Ankara in October 2007, then came its second branch in İzmir in January 2008.

KPMG Turkey has over 4000 clients, many of which are worldwide firms. In the financial sector, we mainly focus on banks and leasing companies. In industrial markets, we concentrate on construction and automotive industries and energy, power and natural resources. In consumer markets, we focus on convenience stores and retail. In communications, one of the country’s leading GSM operators is our client.

What lies ahead?
In the new millennium, our objectives includes achieving even higher quality standards and taking a leading role within our region. It is likely that Turkey, with its wealth of talent and highly educated and motivated people, should have no trouble establishing itself as a market force within an enlarged European Union.

KPMG International 
KPMG International is the coordinating entity for a global network of professional services firms, providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, with an industry focus. The aim of KPMG International member firms, including sublicensees and subsidiaries, is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of their clients, people, and the capital markets. With over 200,000 people worldwide, member firms provide Audit, Tax and Advisory services from 154 countries.

In a global marketplace distinguished by remarkable growth and consolidation, companies face a host of new challenges in today's economy. KPMG helps clients successfully respond to changing opportunities by providing professional services.

KPMG member firms have tailored services - including Audit and Tax services - to address the complex business challenges faced by global member firm clients. Through KPMG's Global Industry Groups, the knowledgeable people, well-designed products and technologies are combined to help enhance services with industry insights and competitive practices.

KPMG, the global network of professional service firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, announced that member firm combined revenues increased for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018. KPMG member firms worked hard throughout the year to help restore confidence in the profession and in the capital markets, and to strengthen the shared values of its people. KPMG remains committed to offering a complementary range of multi-disciplinary skills including Audit, Tax and Advisory Services to clients, which continue to leverage KPMG's in-depth knowledge of their business strategies, cultures, financial plans, control environments and business risks. The 200.000 people within KPMG member firms worldwide provide a range of professional services that help clients to meet challenges across industry, service and national boundaries.

KPMG Turkey can be a link between business and technology, offering a wide range of Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We provide objective clear business advice that can help clients achieve market-leading results.

At KPMG, you can find challenging opportunities in an environment that recognizes and rewards exceptional performance. We seek experienced individuals capable of delivering a wide range of value-added services to member firm clients around the world, while helping them to confront today's critical issues head on. KPMG is a strong international network of firms and strives to take a leadership role in globalizing businesses.

You are competing in a marketplace with nearly unlimited opportunities. To help you capitalize on these opportunities, we have implemented several programs to attract the best and brightest people and we are striving to make KPMG a place where you will want to stay and build your professional career.

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