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Network Security Specialist

M Plus


İstanbul(Avr.) / Türkiye

Tam Zamanlı


Deneyim: 2-4 Yıl

Job Description

M+ TECHNOLOGY is a unit of the European BPO, Technology and Consultancy group of companies M+ Group, which invests in the innovative trends of the future with the latest technology systems and new generation business models it uses, and delivers technology and services to all over the world. CMC Turkey, the largest member of the M+ Group, is the epicenter of M+ TECHNOLOGY with its expert R&D and IT teams.

If you want to be a part of the M+ TECHNOLOGY team, which provides technology services in the fields of CRM, RPA and BPM to many customers in Turkey and abroad, and if you can take part in projects abroad, you can become a member of the M+ TECHNOLOGY family by completing your application immediately.

If your resume matches the criteria below and you want to be a part of this strong team, we are waiting for your application.

General Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree
  • At least 2 years of experience in security and network management,
  • At least 1 years of experience in the fields of Security (Firewall, VPN, NGFW, IPS), Routing & Switching (TCP/IP, LAN & WAN technologies), Wireless,
  • Familiar with the installation, configuration and management of network and security devices such as Firewall, Switch, Router, Access Point,
  • Experienced in NDR and XDR applications,
  • Will be able to analyze critical systems and make suggestions for improvement of the system,
  • At least CCNA, preferably valid CCNP certification,
  • Analyzing and problem-solving skills,
  • Strong verbal and written communication,
  • Ability to learn quickly and self-development,
  • Advanced level of English,
  • Male candidates must have completed military service.

Job Description:

  • To ensure the installation of Network and Security devices within the scope of information technologies; creating necessary configurations, documentation, checklists. To ensure the continuation of the functionality of the infrastructure.
  • We are looking for a teammate who is well-versed in network management and security technologies, does research and is willing to develop herself/himself, and is experienced in the management of large-scale and multi-layered structures.


network security

About Company

About M Plus

Company Location:
Türkiye’nin en büyük bağımsız dış kaynak sağlayıcılarından biri olan CMC Türkiye, 2000 yılında İstanbul’da kuruldu. Ocak 2020’de, Türkiye ve Avrupa’daki 15 lokasyonda, 58 ülkeden 260 markaya 8000 çalışanı ile 31 dilde hizmet veren, BPO, Teknoloji ve Danışmanlık şirketler grubu M+ Group’un en büyük üyesi olarak yerini aldı. M+ Group’un CMC Türkiye kadrosunda yaklaşık 6000 kişi görev yapıyor.

CMC Türkiye, Ar-Ge merkezinde en son teknolojilerle geliştirdiği CRM ve Yapay Zeka tabanlı Robotik süreç otomasyonu uygulamaları ile müşterilerinin ihtiyaçlarına özel çözümlerini, 7/24 kesintisiz teknik destek hizmeti ile birlikte sunuyor. Müşteri hizmetleri, müşteri deneyimi, tahsilat yönetimi, sosyal medya ve backoffice yönetimi konularındaki başarılı projeleriyle CMC Türkiye, yeni nesil müşteri yönetimi ve müşteri memnuniyeti anlayışıyla sektöre yön vermeye devam ediyor.

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