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Algoritma Geliştirme Mühendisi (1)

Magnetron Savunma ve Havacılık

Kıdemli Algoritma Geliştirme Mühendisi

Magnetron Savunma ve Havacılık
Ankara (İş Yerinde)
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Bilgi Teknolojileri / IT Uzmanı(8)

In the modern world where digitalization is increasing day by day, the technology sector continues to grow at a rapid pace. This momentum gained by the technology sector contributes significantly to the expansion of business employment. In this direction, various job opportunities arise for many individuals who want to practice their profession in the field of technology. Web developers, developers, frontend developers and individuals with many different professions have the opportunity to practice their profession in technology companies. While the list of priorities of the technology industry is being formed, the demands and needs of the relevant companies for the modern workforce are important. At this point, it becomes a mission for employers to bring the best talents into the company. There are many different job opportunities for people who want to practice their profession in the technology sector. At this point, in addition to developer job postings in line with the knowledge and experience levels of individuals; There are a wide variety of job opportunities such as communication consultant, mechatronics engineer, senior business analyst, information technology specialist and project engineer. At this point, it is important for candidates to apply for job postings for which they are qualified. At the same time, it is possible for people who apply for a job to technology companies that open a general application announcement while choosing among current job postings to be asked for a job interview by the company when there is a job opportunity suitable for their qualifications.


Job Opportunities in Informatics

The IT sector, which has comprehensive services and has an important place in the development of technology, makes it possible to perform many different operations through technological devices. Thanks to the IT sector, which ensures that the flow of information is maintained effectively and quickly, even large organizations such as factories and companies ensure that all their data is collected on a single screen. The IT industry, which provides a flawless flow of information through technological devices, brings many different job opportunities. Within the scope of IT job postings, there are job opportunities for various professional groups. It is possible to work at work, remotely or hybrid by applying for a job in the IT sector, which covers a wide range of job postings. At this point, you can apply for remote job postings and be included in the remote working system and continue your activities in the field of informatics in this way. When job opportunities in the field of IT are examined, it is seen that many different IT companies publish job postings for different occupational groups. Job opportunities such as senior system engineer, call center customer representative, marketing director, channel sales specialist, training and business development manager, mobile application developer are included in IT sector job postings.


Website Developer Job Postings

In the development of applications in the technology sector, support is received from many business lines. At this point, WEB site developers stand out. Different people take part in the software and development of the sites and the development process is separated within itself. Frontend Developer, who prepares the WEB site systematically and software, plays a very effective role in this process. Different companies provide employment for candidates by publishing Frontend Developer job postings. Another line of business that plays an active role in the software phase is the Software Developer. Software Developer job postings are very popular in the development of the software codes of the WEB site. It is also very important that things run smoothly in the background of all these stages. At this point, Backend Developer comes into play. The Backend Developer, who helps to build systems, takes part in the background of the software and plays a very important role. Backend Developer job postings offer job opportunities to candidates. Full Stack Developer, who has knowledge about all technologies during the WEB site development phase, helps to prepare the application efficiently. Full Stack Developer job postings are frequently published by companies for the fast operation of the prepared sites. Candidates who are newly involved in all these stages and who have just joined the team are called Junior Developers. Junior Developer job postings offer a great opportunity for candidates who want to improve themselves in software. Among the job postings published in many fields, you can choose the one that suits your competence and evaluate the opportunities.


Game Developer Jobs

There are many business lines in the technology sector. Thanks to the technology that develops day by day, it is possible to find job opportunities in different fields. One of the job branches in this sector is the game developer. Game developers undertake tasks such as designing and developing game software. Game developers, who play an effective role at every stage of the game development process, can find job opportunities in many different fields. Game Developer job postings published by different organizations provide employment to candidates in this field. Developers who take part in the software phase of the game work in game studios or companies. Another prominent job opportunity in the gaming industry is known as Android Developer job postings. Android Developer, who develops applications for the Android operating system, can also take part in the game development phase. It plays an effective role in the development of games suitable for the Android operating system. In addition, programming language is also very important in game development. Many different programming languages are used. Some of these stand out as C# and C++ programming languages. At this point, C# job postings are published by many companies. Net Developer, who develops programs using the C# programming language, takes part in the preparation of object-oriented programs. Net Developer job postings also offer job opportunities for candidates working in this field. Depending on the importance of programming language in this sector, C++ developer job postings are also very popular. You can evaluate the job postings offered in accordance with your field of interest and competence.


Which Details Should I Pay Attention to in Digital Job Postings?

Candidates who want to apply for job postings published by relevant companies in line with the digital sector should pay attention to some details. If the mentioned details are given importance; it becomes possible for the candidate to apply for the most suitable job advertisement in line with their experience and skills. At this point, candidates who will apply for digital job postings should first pay attention to the "job description". The job description of the advertisement to be applied for; It should be suitable for your education level, profession and experience. In addition to the job description, the working style, position level and department information in digital job postings should be taken into consideration. The job description and general qualifications section in digital job postings are also among the details to be considered. At this point, the job description should be examined in detail and the expectations of the relevant company from the candidate should be fully understood. Likewise, it is important to clearly determine whether the candidate is suitable for the qualifications that the candidate should have at the point of general qualifications. Candidate criteria also have an important place before applying for many different job postings such as developer job postings. Expected from the candidate within the scope of candidate criteria; You can apply for a job by considering issues such as experience level, education level, military service status, foreign language and driving license.


What are the Working Environment and Conditions in the Software Field?

The software sector, which has managed to make a name for itself with the existence of technology, is among the sectors with intense employment. Candidates who want to practice their profession by applying for software job postings are curious about the working environment and conditions in the software field. At this point, it can be easily mentioned that the working environment and conditions in the software field may differ in line with the general structure and business principles of the company. In general, it can be said that the working environment in the software field differs according to the working style and position of the person concerned. People who work "remote", that is, depending on the remote working system, determine the working environment themselves. However, this is not possible for people who work at the workplace. Likewise, it is seen that people who perform their profession with the hybrid working model are alternately in home and office environment. Working conditions in the field of software can also vary according to the position, length of experience and department of the person concerned. At this point, there are individuals who are subject to certain working hours, as well as individuals with a flexible working system. The working environment and conditions in software job postings, including junior software job postings, may vary according to the specified issues.


What does a developer do?

The concept of Developer takes its place in the IT sector as the name given to people who perform their profession as "Software Development Specialist" in the dictionary meaning. The main task of software development experts is to design software systems. In addition to this, developers also have tasks such as following software processes, determining system needs, software testing and preparing design documents.


What are the effects of remote working?

The remote working system, which is quite common in the technology industry, brings with it various benefits. Individuals who work remotely first save time. Remote working, which also increases productivity, offers advantages such as work-life balance, increased motivation, and reduced need for office space.


What are digital jobs?

With the widespread use of the remote working system, the existence of job opportunities that can be sustained in the digital field is increasing. At this point, it becomes possible for individuals to practice their profession in various fields such as graphic-design, blogging, digital marketing in companies that offer remote working opportunities and many other different organizations.


What can be done with software?

The operations performed with software in many different fields have a very important place. At this point, people who have direct knowledge of software are needed. People who have a good command of programming language and the IT sector can find job opportunities in areas such as websites, desktop software, machine software and security systems.

Türkiye’nin teknoloji kariyeri platformu


Kıdemli Algoritma Geliştirme Mühendisi

Magnetron Savunma ve Havacılık


Ankara / Türkiye

Tam Zamanlı

İş Yerinde

Deneyim: 2-4 Yıl

Job Description

Magnetron Savunma ve Uzay A.Ş.’ de Elektronik Harp projelerinde Algoritma Geliştirme alanında çalışacak 5+ yıl deneyimli Algoritma Geliştirme Mühendisi ekip arkadaşına ihtiyacımız bulunmaktadır.

İş Tanımı

  • Çeşitli elektronik harp sistemleri, haberleşme sistemleri ve radar sistemleri ile ilgili Algoritma Geliştirme mühendislik çalışmaları gerçekleştirilecektir.
  • Öğrenim Düzeyi/Alanı (Lisans/Y. Lisans gibi/ Beklenen Mezuniyet Fakülte/Bölüm)
  • Elektrik/Elektronik Mühendisliği, Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği, vb. alanında lisans veya üzeri akademik dereceye sahip olmak.

Teknik Yetkinlikler ve Deneyim

  • Minimum Yetkinlikler
  • Adayların aşağıdaki konularda en az 5 senelik deneyime sahip olması gerekmektedir. Ek olarak Milli Savunma Bakanlığı tarafından verilen Kişi Güvenlik Belgesi (KGB) sahibi olması veya başvuru sonrası problem yaşanmayacak olması beklenilmektedir.
  • Sinyal İşleme ve/veya Radar/Elektronik Harp/Haberleşme konularında bilgi ve tecrübe sahibi,
  • Radar sistemlerinin çalışma prensipleri ve mimarilerini bilen veya öğrenmeye istekli,
  • Elektronik Harp sistemlerinin çalışma prensipleri ve mimarilerini bilen veya öğrenmeye istekli olan,
  • Sinyal işleme / algoritma geliştirme tecrübesine sahip,

Tercih Edilen Yetkinlikler

  • Radar sistemleri hakkında bilgi ve tecrübe sahibi olmak
  • Elektronik harp sistemleri hakkında bilgi ve tecrübe sahibi olmak
  • Haberleşme sistemleri hakkında bilgi ve tecrübe sahibi olmak

İşin Gerektirdiği Davranışsal Yetkinlikler ve Diğer Hususlar

  • Araştırmaya, gelişime ve öğrenmeye açık olmak
  • Yurtiçi ve yurtdışı seyahat engeli olmamak
  • Literatürü takip edebilecek seviyede İngilizce dilini kullanıyor olabilmek


Elektronik Harp
Direction Finding
Spectrum Monitoring

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About Magnetron Savunma ve Havacılık

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