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Listen to lots of candidates who participate in's events aimed at helping new graduate candidates improve their skills and access new job opportunities.
Zeynep Çıplak

During my journey to learn web frontend coding, the FroundedTech Surge Bootcamp had a significant impact. Under Ahmet Kaya's expert guidance, this 48-hour, 5-week bootcamp was pivotal for me.

From day one, we immersed ourselves in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, applying theoretical knowledge to real-world projects. The assignments enhanced my technical skills and research abilities. Facing challenges, making mistakes, and solving them were natural parts of the coding process, facilitating real learning.

By the end of the bootcamp, I gained confidence in structuring and styling web pages with HTML and CSS. My ability to develop interactive web applications with JavaScript also improved greatly. Completing this bootcamp made me feel fortunate. It advanced my technical skills and boosted my self-confidence. Ahmet Kaya's guidance made this experience truly memorable. I highly recommend this bootcamp to anyone looking to learn web frontend coding.

Zeynep Çıplak
FroundedTech Surge Bootcamp
Hasan Okcu

I received an intensive training on .NET Core over a period of five weeks. Our instructor's knowledge on the topics was quite sufficient. During the process, we developed real-life projects and I prepared myself for the industry in the best possible way. I thank Techcareer for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a training.

Hasan Okcu
ASP.Net Core Bootcamp
Beyza Yüksel

The projects we did prepared us for professional life, so I am very happy about that. It was a very productive and beautiful process; I thank everyone who contributed.

Beyza Yüksel
ASP.Net Core Bootcamp
Berke Uçaker

It was a very nice process; I hadn't been able to learn for a long time because I couldn't find the right place, so this bootcamp was just what I needed :) Our teacher, Ahmet, explained the lesson to us in a very nice and effective way and kept us engaged with interactive teaching to ensure we didn't lose focus.

Berke Uçaker
SQL Bootcamp
İbrahim Adam

I can say that the bootcamp was very productive for me, especially Ahmet Kaya, our instructor, who really has a great way of explaining things. Of course, the Techcareer team also helped us immediately with our technical issues. I am very satisfied with Techcareer.

İbrahim Adam
Back-End CodeForge Bootcamp
Batuhan Çakar

It was indeed a very useful training. The most important aspects of SQL were explained well and with practical applications. Additionally, our instructor answered all the questions I posed quickly and in a way that left no doubts in my mind. I thank everyone who contributed. 🙏

Batuhan Çakar
SQL Bootcamp
Mert Can Sucu

It was a great process for me, and I had a wonderful bootcamp experience thanks to Ahmet, our instructor. I hope to start my career following this experience.

Mert Can Sucu
Back-End CodeForge Bootcamp
Ömer Faruk Üçer

The bootcamp process was productive and consistent for me. Being informed in advance about what needs to be done before the class, being given information about how the class would be conducted, and having the ability to reach out to the instructor with questions during the class, between classes, and outside of class hours, greatly satisfied me. It was very good that the classes were held on time except in mandatory situations, and in such cases, being informed in advance was also beneficial. Our instructor's continuous support even during our final projects particularly motivated me.

Ömer Faruk Üçer
SQL Bootcamp
Emirhan Kösem

"I attended the Vue.js bootcamp organized by and it was truly a productive experience. Throughout the training, I underwent a comprehensive learning process from basic topics to advanced applications. Our instructor was extremely knowledgeable and supportive, providing detailed answers to all our questions. My confidence in Vue.js has increased and I am now able to use this technology in my projects.

I would like to thank and our valuable instructor. I recommend this bootcamp to anyone who wants to learn Vue.js. This training can help you turn a new page in your career."

Emirhan Kösem
Vue.js Bootcamp - The Front-End Expedition
Büşra Dedeoğlu

The aspect of the bootcamp process that pleased me the most was the choice of instructors. The course was supported not only with theoretical knowledge but also with information relevant to the current needs of the industry. I think it was quite sensible to give homework occasionally. However, I believe that changing the predetermined class schedule during the process was not very appropriate. The continuous communication with the Techcareer team throughout the selection and training process, and being able to reach them, was very supportive.

Büşra Dedeoğlu
Vodafone Oracle Database Administration Bootcamp
Fatma Nur Yetim

Firstly, I would like to thank you for the support provided from the beginning to the end of the educational process. The content of the program was quite rich, and the way our instructor presented the topics was very efficient. What I liked most during the training was the balance between the theoretical aspects and practical applications of the subjects. This balance enabled me to better understand the topics and their real-world applications. Additionally, the interactions and group work we experienced during the training were also very valuable to me. This allowed me to discuss the topics from different perspectives and understand them in depth. At the end of the training, I feel more equipped with the knowledge and skills I have gained. This training has opened a new page in my career and given me the opportunity to improve myself. Thank you again for your contributions and efforts!

Fatma Nur Yetim
Vodafone Oracle Database Administration Bootcamp
Ceyda Gültekin

This was the first time I participated in a bootcamp, and I believe I was very fortunate to join one at the right place. The team's attention and demeanor during the bootcamp acceptance process were quite meticulous. Moreover, I was very pleased with how our instructor taught the class, the progress made, and the equal treatment shown to everyone. An environment was created where anyone could ask questions without hesitation throughout the process, and I think this is important. I would like to thank the entire team again for providing this opportunity. 

Ceyda Gültekin
FroundedTech Surge Bootcamp
Helin Okay

From midwifery to software...

Hello. I am Helin Okay, a senior midwifery student at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. I am generally skeptical about online courses, as I find them hard to benefit from, especially if they are outside my field. However, this bootcamp allowed me to develop myself through the information I learned and the assignments I reinforced. I would like to thank our instructor Caner, who patiently explained the basics to me, someone from a different field, and repeated parts I did not understand without hesitation. Thanks also to everyone who contributed to making this bootcamp happen; it was a great experience for me, enabling me to create different network connections. The CV training, face-to-face interview simulations, and GitHub training were not only about software lessons but also provided essential education that will always be necessary, contributing to my software journey.

Helin Okay
DAKA - Back-End with C# Bootcamp
Derya Deniz

Everything was very nice. Our instructor Hamit explained everything clearly and in detail. He demonstrated many different features through the project. At every stage, he patiently answered our questions. Similarly, I was able to easily reach the techcareer team at any time, and I received quick responses to all my questions.

Derya Deniz
Hyper Company Front-End Angular Bootcamp
Yavuz Balı

A warm welcome coupled with a fun and packed program made this a very enjoyable program for me. Not only did I learn a lot at Bootcamp, I also got the chance to meet different and knowledgeable people who were there. It was the kind of bootcamp where I can look back and think I’m glad I took part. I want to thank everyone involved.

Yavuz Balı
Data Science Bootcamp
Volkan Öztürk

The bootcamp was very productive and beneficial for me. Throughout the process, the communication from the TechCareer team was excellent, and I am very thankful to them. Our instructor, Hamit MIZRAK, provided us with excellent training. He was dedicated, informative, instructive, and guiding. I am deeply grateful to him. Thanks to everyone involved for their efforts.

Volkan Öztürk
Hyper Company Front-End Angular Bootcamp
Umut Baran Demir

Firstly, I would like to start by saying that the process was flawless. Everyone involved was aware of the advantages such programs could bring to us. The quality of the education provided to us was unmatched. I had a highly productive and enjoyable experience with our instructor who went above and beyond to share everything he could, even on topics not covered in the curriculum. I am very grateful to the TechCareer team and especially to our instructor, Hamiz Mızrak.

Umut Baran Demir
Hyper Company Front-End Angular Bootcamp
Tunahan Kabakcı

I met at a time when I wanted to improve myself in the field of Quality Assurance. Bootcamp was as instructional as it was fun from beginning to end. When I look back, I see that I’ve come a really long way. I want to thank the family for their support and for the friendly atmosphere they provided.

Tunahan Kabakcı Software QA Bootcamp
Tugay Boz

It was fantastic. There wasn't a single aspect that I felt could be improved upon. I wish we had more time with Mr. Göksel and Mrs. Seyhan. I am truly amazed by their dedication and loyalty. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved.

Tugay Boz
Tech Recruitment Bootcamp
Tolgahan Kara

I joined the family through the Software QA Bootcamp I attended thanks to With the help of my instructor and, my career as a Test engineer got off to a flying start. I got the opportunity to learn a lot and put what I learned into practice and I got the chance to meet the different and knowledgeable people who were at Bootcamp. Thank you. I’d like to see more bootcamps.

Tolgahan Kara Software QA Bootcamp
Sibel Çavuşoğlu

I have been working in recruitment across various fields, including technology, for four years now, but I can confidently say that this training has been an enlightening experience for me. The fact that our instructor comes from within the industry, keeps up with current developments, and shares this knowledge with us has been incredibly valuable. They were able to convey everything we encounter in interviews in a clear and memorable manner, making it easy for us to grasp the information quickly. I believe this training is not only beneficial for new graduates but also for anyone working in this field who needs to stay updated and see the latest trends.

Sibel Çavuşoğlu
Tech Recruitment Bootcamp
Serhat Karadağ

Thanks to this bootcamp, I not only gained a better understanding of the project development processes but also had the chance to improve my ability to express myself.

Serhat Karadağ
Hyper Company Front-End Angular Bootcamp
Serhat Dokumacı

I spent 6 packed and very enjoyable weeks at the QA Bootcamp. Bootcamp was a great time that gave me direction at the start of my professional career and the chance to work in the field I want. Not only did I have a lot of fun there, I also made new friends, and improved myself in a very good way. Our instructor, the team and the team assisted me in every area and helped me proceed in confidence every step of the way. At the end of Bootcamp, I joined the family as a QA Specialist. I want to thank the family and everyone involved for giving us this opportunity; I’m glad I joined.

Serhat Dokumacı Software QA Bootcamp
Sema Vargez

Throughout the Test Engineering Bootcamp, which I was able to join thanks to, the family and my trainer gave me the support I needed to start my career on a sound footing. I would like to thank the family and my trainer for their unwaivering interest both during Bootcamp and afterward. I am very happy to still be a part of this family. I am sure that the family will continue to touch the lives of many people with the Bootcamps they provide.

Sema Vargez
Test Engineering Bootcamp
Selin Kartal

During the training process, I made significant progress, especially with the knowledge and guidance provided by our instructor. Their expertise and command of the subject matter brought valuable perspectives to participants at every stage of the training. Their mastery of the topics and interactive teaching style provided me with an enlightening experience by enabling me to grasp complex subjects. Throughout the training, the practical exercises we conducted, in particular, supported me in understanding real-world applications and honing these skills. Through these practical sessions, I significantly strengthened my knowledge and abilities in this field. With pride and satisfaction upon completing the Tech Recruitment Bootcamp, I believe that I can effectively utilize the knowledge and skills acquired in my future career. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire TechCareer.Net team and especially to our instructor for guiding me through this process.

Selin Kartal
Tech Recruitment Bootcamp
Perin Kılıç

Completing the Tech Recruitment training has provided me with an incredible wealth of knowledge. Not only have I acquired the most up-to-date information in this constantly changing and evolving industry, but I have also learned extensively on how to keep up with developments. Therefore, I believe it's an education that will remain relevant throughout my lifetime, and I extend my appreciation to everyone involved. I am delighted to have been part of a positive, enjoyable, and educational experience with our valuable instructor and fellow participants.

Perin Kılıç
Tech Recruitment Bootcamp
Ozan Çeltikçi

To begin with, taking part in this kind of contest was really helpful for my career. It was a really fun experience all round and gave me extra motivation to finish the fall semester. I’m thrilled to have caught a job opportunity like this and I thank you for giving me the chance to do that.

Ozan Çeltikçi
HangiKredi UI/UX Hiring Challenge
Nazlıcan Aslan

The training provided in the field of IT recruitment has been enriching and illuminating for my career journey. It has equipped me with knowledge about technology languages, emerging technologies, and ways to progress in the field. The training was packed with answers to many questions about what I can do to advance in my career and how to stay focused on development in the technology sector. Additionally, the numerous case studies provided practical experience opportunities. I am deeply grateful to the TechCareer.Net family for offering this opportunity.

Nazlıcan Aslan
Tech Recruitment Bootcamp
Melike Aydın

Before attending the Angular bootcamp, I would like to mention that I had no prior knowledge of Angular. However, this bootcamp organized by Hyper Company through TechCareer exceeded my expectations. Despite being an intensive training program, each session provided me with comprehensive learning and practical application of Angular. Throughout the bootcamp, I had the opportunity to gain practical experience in real-world projects. This not only allowed me to acquire theoretical knowledge but also helped me develop practical skills. Despite the intensity of the training, every moment was enjoyable and instructive. With the support of the instructors and other participants, I made significant progress in understanding and effectively using Angular. In conclusion, this bootcamp was an experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to learn Angular. I am deeply grateful to our instructor, TechCareer, and the Hyper Company team for this valuable experience.

Melike Aydın
Hyper Company Front-End Angular Bootcamp
Melek Kaya

The bootcamp provided me with a delightful and instructive experience, presenting the IT world from the perspective of a recruiter with utmost detail. It was a training that I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of, offering ample opportunities for practical exercises.

Melek Kaya
Tech Recruitment Bootcamp

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