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The Best 10 JavaScript Libraries You Need to Know

The Best 10 JavaScript Libraries You Need to Know

JavaScript libraries are code repositories that offer various functions, objects, and functions for various applications or websites developed with a JavaScript base.🚨
4 Minutes

The Best 10 JavaScript Libraries You Need to Know

JavaScript, used in website design, is one of the most well-known languages preferred by users on the internet. JavaScript, which is rapidly evolving, especially constitutes one of the top choices for users who want to develop applications. Developers often choose and use JavaScript to improve both the design of their websites and the functionality of their applications, even if they know only one language. According to a survey conducted on a popular online platform in past years, approximately 67% of participants considered JavaScript as the most commonly used language. 

Another question that often comes to mind for those interested in or wanting to get into JavaScript is, "What is a JavaScript library?" JavaScript libraries are code repositories that provide various functions, objects, and functions for various applications or websites developed with a JavaScript base. For example, other users or you can evaluate the libraries prepared by others or yourself in a separate project. When creating an application, program, or website, the code written for functions can be separated and saved according to their functions and combined when needed. This way, users do not have to rewrite the code for functions, saving them time. To use JavaScript libraries, users simply need to write the code sequence "<script src=''Enter the source URL address of the JavaScript library you prefer here'' ></script>" inside the 'Head' element. This process allows the code in the entered URL address to be copied to their devices. There are many popular JavaScript libraries available in the online world. Due to the large number of JavaScript libraries, people may have difficulty making choices. In this case, users can choose one or more of the libraries according to their usage areas, features, and functions. This way, users can save time and achieve their desired tasks more quickly and conveniently.

JavaScript Libraries According to Usage Purposes

Another question of interest is "What are JavaScript libraries?" These libraries vary greatly in terms of their functions, usage areas, and features.

  • Database: Databases are one of the most important aspects of the technology world. Therefore, JavaScript libraries developed for this purpose make it easy for users. With the help of the relevant libraries, users can perform many functions such as complex and different queries, data synchronization, and automatic tables.
  • Forms: JavaScript libraries allow users to perform operations such as validating forms, controlling fields, and synchronization, which constitute a significant part of websites, in a simple way.
  • Animation: Users who want to use animations that appeal to the eye on websites can easily achieve this with the help of JavaScript libraries.
  • String and Mathematics: Some mathematical expressions, date and time, and other extensions can cause problems. JavaScript libraries make it easier for users to perform complex operations.
  • Typography: Users who want to make websites more attractive can turn to JavaScript libraries for a solution. There are many libraries to choose from.
  • Image Effects: Developers can add image effects to websites with the help of libraries. Various effects such as toning, sharpening, contrast adjustment, and reflection can be applied.
  • Data Visualization in Graphics: During statistics usage and performance measurement, data visualizations used can be presented in the form of graphics and charts thanks to JavaScript libraries. This allows developers to make more informed decisions and perform easier analysis.
  • User Components and Interfaces: Developers can use JavaScript libraries to make websites more dynamic and responsive, resulting in better page speed and user experience.

Here Are the Top 10 JavaScript Libraries You Need to Know

  • jQuery: This software is open-source and comes with an MIT license. It has many features, but its most well-known feature is its minimalist and easy-to-use API.
  • Data Driven Documents (D3.js): With this library, users can easily create data-driven documents or documentation. Its most prominent feature is its ability to visualize data dynamically and interactively.
  • React.js: An open-source library, React.js was developed in 2013. The library is known for its ease of debugging and testing.
  • Underscore.js: Providing many functions for common programming tasks, this library is known for its fast indexing.
  • Algolia Places: Simplifying autocomplete on websites automatically, Algolia Places offers many features and provides real-time suggestions and results on a map.
  • Anime.js: Another popular animation library, Anime.js, was released in 2019, greatly simplifying animation management for users.
  • Chart.js: This JavaScript library provides a quick way to display various statistics on websites or projects related to data analysis.
  • Fullpage.js: Full Page.js allows users to easily create single-page or full-screen scrolling websites, providing both horizontal and vertical scrolling capabilities.
  • Masonry: A grid layout library, Masonry allows users to place elements in a vertical layout in web pages.
  • Three.js: This library makes it enjoyable and practical for developers to work with three-dimensional designs, allowing the creation of different lights, shadows, mathematical elements, geometric shapes, and textures using Three.js.


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